Hearings are available for Civil Rights Compliance Office complaints involving student respondents and Title IX complaints. If a hearing is to be held, written notification will be provided to the respondent and the complainant. The notice will be given to the parties no fewer than ten (10) business days prior to the hearing. Unless already provided to the respondent, the notification will include the relevant policy, OIE Process Standards, date, time, and location of the hearing, and the designated resolutions officer.
Complainants and Respondents can bring an advisor of choice to any Civil Rights Compliance Office hearing. In Title IX complaints, parties are required to have an advisor to conduct the questioning.
Informal Resolutions
Informal Resolution is intended for parties who would prefer to resolve complaints without an investigative/hearing process. Informal Resolution is a voluntary process designed to eliminate prohibited conduct, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects while maintaining safety through facilitating an agreed resolution between parties. Participation in Informal Resolution does not necessarily require a finding of “responsible” for any policy violation. This process focuses on restoring access to education/employment and educating parties on the impact of reported behavior to decrease the risk of reoccurrence.
Informal Resolution will be considered when requested by both parties, if applicable, and approved by the Resolutions Officer and applicable Civil Rights Compliance Office Director. The parties may request Informal Resolution at any time after a complaint has been approved prior to the start of a hearing or other adjudication. Either party can withdraw from Informal Resolution at any time prior to the finalization of an Informal Resolution agreement, and the matter will revert to the Investigative Resolution process. If the parties cannot reach a resolution, the matter will be referred to the applicable Civil Rights Compliance Office Director to return to the Investigative Resolution process.
Factors considered when determining if Informal Resolution is appropriate to include but are not limited to:
- The conduct alleged and other known facts;
- Respondent’s disciplinary history;
- Whether the respondent has had multiple allegations and/or reports;
- Whether the allegations involve threats, weapons, and/or force;
- Whether it is alleged that physical bodily injury occurred;
- Whether the alleged incident was committed by multiple perpetrators;
- Whether the allegations suggest that the respondent is an ongoing safety risk; and
- The power differential between the complainant and respondent, including whether the complainant is a minor.
Informal Resolution is not permitted for complaints involving an employee respondent and a student complainant.