The university recognizes the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest and bias in processes for addressing reports of Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct. As provided by university policy and the Civil Rights Compliance Office Process Standards, the university does not allow conflicts of interest or bias for or against complainants or respondents generally or an individual complainant or respondent by Civil Rights Compliance Office Directors, Civil Rights Intake Coordinators, Civil Rights Investigators, Resolution Officers, Appeals Officers, or their designees in these processes. A conflict of interest exists when an individual’s knowledge of the matter or personal or professional relationship with a complainant, respondent, or witness would preclude the individual from being able to investigate or decide the case fairly and impartially. Any concern regarding bias or conflict of interest should be immediately reported as described in the Civil Rights Compliance Office Process Standards. If any Civil Rights Compliance Office Director, Civil Rights Intake Coordinator, Civil Rights Investigator, Resolution Officer, Appeals Officer, or their designee knows of a conflict of interest, as described above, between themselves and the parties in a case assigned to them, that person must disclose the conflict of interest and recuse themselves from considering that case.