The following policies and standards are owned by or related to the areas within the Civil Rights Compliance Office. Follow the links to read the policies and standards or learn more.
Access for Individuals with Disabilities Policy
Responsible Office: Civil Rights Compliance Office
Summary: This policy provides for full and equal access for individuals with disabilities to all programs (academic, co-curricular, or employment), activities, benefits, or services offered by the university in accordance with state and federal law. The policy establishes a base line for the provision of accommodations and notice of non-discrimination and outlines individual unit and university rights and responsibilities.
View the Access for Individuals with Disabilities Policy (PDF)
Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy (PDF)
Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity
Responsible Office: Civil Rights Compliance Office
Summary: The Ohio State University is committed to building and maintaining a diverse community to reflect human diversity and to improve opportunities for all. The university is committed to equal opportunity, affirmative action, and eliminating discrimination. This commitment is both a moral imperative consistent with an intellectual community that celebrates individual differences and diversity, as well as a matter of law.
View the Affirmative Action & Equal Employment Opportunity Policy (PDF)
Overview of 2023 policy revisions (pdf)
Equal Employment Opportunity Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring Guidelines
Reasonable Accommodation
Responsible Office: Civil Rights Compliance Office
Summary: Establishes a process for processing employee requests for accommodations. Clarifies and assigns roles for supervisors, employees, and the Offices of Human Resources the ADA Coordinator.
Digital Accessibility Policy
Responsible Office: Office of the Chief Information Officer
Summary: To ensure equal access to digital information and digital services for all university constituencies (students, prospective students, faculty, staff, student employees, guests, visitors, and program participants with disabilities).
Disability-Related Animals on Campus
Responsible Office: ADA Coordinator's Office
Summary: This document is designed to provide the campus community with a working knowledge of the University’s policy on disability-related animals on campus.
View the Summary of University Policy: Disability-Related Animals on Campus (PDF)
Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct
Responsible Office: Civil Rights Compliance Office
Summary: Establishes that all members of the university community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that maintains an environment free from sexual misconduct. Defines expectations for the university community and establishes mechanisms for determining when those expectations have been violated. Defines sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, and related terms; addresses medium, location, jurisdiction, Title IX coordinator; prohibited romantic and/or sexual relationships; employee duty to act; confidentiality; retaliation; investigation and resolution options; remedies; false allegations; and use of sexual misconduct allegations in employment or academic actions.
Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy (PDF)
Overview of 2023 policy revisions (pdf)
Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy FAQ (PDF)
Transitional Work, 2.45
Responsible Office: Office of Human Resources
Summary: Guidelines to ensure that employees with temporary physical and/or psychological restrictions can work to the extent possible.
Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity
Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity
Responsible Office: Civil Rights Compliance Office
Summary: University nondiscrimination policy, prohibits discrimination, and affirms the university's commitment to equal employment opportunity.
View the Affirmative Action & Equal Employment Opportunity Policy (PDF)
Overview of 2023 policy revisions (pdf)
Equal Employment Opportunity Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring Guidelines
Whistleblower Policy, 1.40
Responsible Office: Office of Human Resources
Summary: Prohibits individuals from interference with making a protected disclosure and from retaliation for having made a protected disclosure or for having refused an illegal order as defined in this policy.
Recruitment and Selection Policy, 4.10
Responsible Office: Office of Human Resources
Summary: Recruitment and selection procedures for classified and unclassified staff positions.
Process Standards
Responsible Office: Civil Rights Compliance Office
Summary: These standards support the consistent implementation of The Ohio State University Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy and Youth Activities and Programs Policy by establishing required practices for handling Policy investigations under these policies. These requirements are designed to be read and followed in accordance with the Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy and Youth Activities and Programs Policy. All individuals and units that conduct investigations and adjudications on behalf of the Civil Rights Compliance Office must comply with these requirements.
Statement of Policy
Responsible Office: Civil Rights Compliance Office
Summary: All faculty, staff and employees are responsible to act in accordance with the University’s EEO policy, and all members of management must be familiar with this policy, fully support it, and apply these principles in good faith.
Protection of Minors
Youth Activities and Programs, 1.50 (OIE)
Responsible Office: Civil Rights Compliance Office
Summary: Establishes requirements for those in the university community who work in activities and programs with minors, with the goal of safeguarding the wellbeing of minors.
Process Standards
Responsible Office: Civil Rights Compliance Office
Summary: These standards support the consistent implementation of The Ohio State University Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy and Youth Activities and Programs Policy by establishing required practices for handling Policy investigations under these policies. These requirements are designed to be read and followed in accordance with the Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy and Youth Activities and Programs Policy. All individuals and units that conduct investigations and adjudications on behalf of the Civil Rights Compliance Office must comply with these requirements.
Title IX/Sexual Misconduct
Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct (OIE)
Responsible Office: Civil Rights Compliance Office
Summary: Establishes that all members of the university community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that maintains an environment free from sexual misconduct. Defines expectations for the university community and establishes mechanisms for determining when those expectations have been violated. Defines sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, and related terms; addresses medium, location, jurisdiction, Title IX coordinator; prohibited romantic and/or sexual relationships; employee duty to act; confidentiality; retaliation; investigation and resolution options; remedies; false allegations; and use of sexual misconduct allegations in employment or academic actions.
Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy (PDF)
Overview of 2023 policy revisions (pdf)
Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy FAQ (PDF)
Process Standards
Responsible Office: Civil Rights Compliance Office
Summary: These standards support the consistent implementation of The Ohio State University Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy and Youth Activities and Programs Policy by establishing required practices for handling Policy investigations under these policies. These requirements are designed to be read and followed in accordance with the Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy and Youth Activities and Programs Policy. All individuals and units that conduct investigations and adjudications on behalf of the Civil Rights Compliance Office must comply with these requirements.
Code of Student Conduct
Responsible Office
Office of Student Life
The code of student conduct is established to foster and protect the core missions of the university; to foster the scholarly and civic development of the university's students in a safe and secure learning environment, and to protect the people, properties, and processes that support the university and its missions.