Every pregnancy is different and comes with different needs.
The law prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including discrimination based on pregnancy or related conditions, and providing support for individuals experiencing pregnancy or related conditions aligns with our shared values of Care and Compassion, and Inclusion and Equity.
The Civil Rights Compliance Office is a centralized resource for students and employees seeking supportive measures for pregnancy and related conditions. OIE Civil Rights Intake Coordinators can help to identify and request appropriate individualized supportive measures. If there is a medical need, the Civil Rights Compliance Office can partner with Student Life Disability Services (SLDS) and/or Integrated Absence Management and Vocational Services (IAMVS) to implement reasonable accommodations.
Quick Note: the Civil Rights Compliance Office provides supportive measures to help our university community in all protected classes, including individuals with pregnancy or related conditions, maintain equal access to their education and employment. SLDS and IAMVS coordinate accommodations to help Buckeyes with disabilities or medical needs, including pregnancy-associated medical conditions, continue to have equal access to their education and employment.
Instructors and supervisors: If a Civil Rights Intake Coordinator contacts you to set up supportive measures for a Buckeye experiencing pregnancy or related conditions, remember that this is your opportunity to demonstrate care and compassion and comply with federal law. If any supportive measures would fundamentally alter the course or result in an undue burden, please connect with the Civil Rights Intake Coordinator to establish a plan.
It is important to remember that we are required to provide pregnant students with equal access to education, which could involve implementing supportive measures in the classroom.
Questions? Contact the Civil Rights Compliance Office